Increase Morale with Gamification for Employee Recognition

As we lean into remote or hybrid work, keeping an employee’s morale high is more important than ever. And a game with a built-in chance to win gift cards up to a $100 value is a guaranteed mood booster! It’s no wonder we’ve seen 100% participation in our employee rewards programs.

Planning a recognition program like this can seem complex, but CataBoom can make the process simple and satisfying. You can deploy our successful platform via one of our ready-to-launch game experiences.

Our HR gamification bundle is SO easy to launch.


We offer pre-designed theme options and different pricing options for you to choose from.


After you choose the bundle that fits your needs, send us your logo and the start and end dates of your campaign.


Once we send your ready-to-launch bundle, add the game image and unique email links to your email campaign and share with employees.

Watch your results grow!

Get results without a hefty price tag.

Our HR gamification bundles include:

  • Game spinner and logo
  • Pre-designed game image for use in emails
  • Unique game links for employees
  • Up to $12,000+ in gift cards**
  • Time-based prize distribution
  • Fulfillment options for gift cards
  • Standard game rules*
  • End of campaign report
Unique Game Links
For Employees

in gift cards

Bundle Price
Unique Game Links
For Employees

in gift cards

Bundle Price
Unique Game Links
For Employees

in gift cards

Bundle Price
Unique Game Links for Employees

in gift cards

Bundle Price
Unique Game Links for Employees

in gift cards

Bundle Price
Contact Us
*No changes can be made to rules.
** Gift cards for each bundle come in various quantities of $5, $10, $50 and $100 amounts.

HR gamification is an engaging and effective way to recognize your employees for their hard work and achievements.

Need more customization or additional prize options for your recognition program? We can help!

Let CataBoom catapult your employee recognition!
Contact us to learn more about our Gamification and Rewards Platform.
Contact us
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